How to enable or disable Windows Active Desktop.Verify the image used as the background is still available on the computer and can be viewed.Your desktop background might not display if the image file was deleted or if active desktop is enabled on the computer. An image that is smaller than your monitor's resolution result in pixelation of that image. The smaller the image size, the more distortion you notice when stretching an image. Stretch - Stretches a single image across the whole screen.

Centering enables the user to only have one image set as their background instead of having it tiled. How To Change Desktop Background Windows 10 - Quick Tech TipsA quick Windows 10 beginners tutorial that shows how to change Windows 10 desktop wallpaper and/. Center - Centers the image in the middle of the desktop.Below is a brief explanation of each of these settings. In the desktop or background properties window, a user can customize the layout of their image by selecting Center, Tile, or Stretch. How do I make a small image tiled or not tiled across the background? All other users need to change the color of their desktop through the Appearance tab. Windows XP users can change this color from the same window where they change their desktop. However, it is important to note that when you change the background to None, your background is a solid color instead. Selecting this option disables any background image on the desktop. In the list of the available backgrounds, the first choice is None. All other Windows users should be able to set a. BMP image before it can be the background. If you have a different format of image, you need to convert it to a. Windows 95 users can only set BMP images as their desktop background. Choose a fit for your desktop image - Select an option, like Fill, Fit, or Stretch, for how the slideshow pictures are displayed as the background.Let slideshow run even if I'm on battery power - Allow the slideshow to run when it's using battery power, or turn the slideshow off to conserve battery power.Shuffling the picture order - Enable or disable picture shuffling in the slideshow.Change picture every - Set the time interval for how long each picture is displayed in the slideshow.A brief description of each setting is below. Select any additional slideshow settings, if desired. If you select Slideshow as the background type, click the Browse button and select a picture album on your computer to use for the slideshow. If you prefer a different color, click the View colors button, select the desired color in the color chart, and click Done. If you select Solid color as the background type, select a color in the Choose a background color section. The Stretch option makes the picture fit the entire computer screen, which may result in the image being distorted. Fit increases or decreases the height of the picture to fill the computer screen. The Fill option increases or decreases the width of the picture to fit the computer screen.