The best board games of 2016
The best board games of 2016

the best board games of 2016

How to play: You'll combine a character card with attribute cards to create the ultimate fighter.


Read our full review of Codenames (no longer 50% off, but still 100% worth it). I cannot recommend it enough!" - kccayson The game is surprising simple, but provides hours of entertainment, especially as everyone laughs over the connections that everyone makes. The first team to cover all their words wins, though guessing the assassin automatically makes you lose. The team guesses and the clue giver places a token on their guesses corresponding to the red team, blue team, bystander, or assassin. A 5x5 grid of word cards is laid out and then using a key card that shows what words are for each team and which ones are bystanders or an assassin, the clue givers take turns saying a clue word and a number which indicates how many of their team words are related to the clue. Two players are chosen as the ones giving the rest of their team clues while the rest desperately try to make sense of what they are talking about. It has definitely been a hit in my gaming group and with my family over the holidays. It's a fantastic party game because it can be taught in under five minutes and provides a ton of fun. Promising review: "Codenames really is genius in its simplicity. Or worse: guessing a name that falls on a "game over" square. How to play: Two teams compete to figure out the assigned codenames of everyone on their teams, while avoiding guessing the names of their opponents. Shadows of Brimstone, I absolutely LOVE YOU, but sorry, won’t be playing you for a few months while I obsess over my new found love: Gloomhaven." - Naomi K The game has many unique concepts that I hope future games incorporate. My wife and I are always eager to get off on the next mission and the 'choose your own adventure' style of play is very unique, especially when it comes to board games. There are side quests, loot, leveling up, more side quests, and not to mention an interesting story with branching/intertwining story arcs.

the best board games of 2016

And you quickly find yourself with tons of choices of what to do, what story arcs to explore, etc. The game feels a lot like a first play through of those ‘classic’ video game RPGs ( The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, The Witcher, etc.) There is just this massive world, all for the exploring. We still haven't retired any characters (expect probably at least 10 dungeons before you retire, though this is just a wild guess, and depending on your personal mission, may take longer/shorter), though I am getting close. After several play sessions (at least 15 hours of game play) we are still just as entranced as when we first started, and it is only getting better as we level up. Promising review: "Wow! What a great game! My wife and I can't get enough of it and we have only started to scratch the surface of it.

the best board games of 2016

Players will also fight against monsters, determined by an innovative card system. How to play: This tactical combat game requires every player to take on the role of a "wandering adventurer" with their own specialized skills. As an added plus, kids also learn the location and population density of many cities around the world. They wanted to play it again and again, each time gaining confidence from beating the pandemic.

the best board games of 2016

My kids conquered their fears about our pandemic when we played this game, and learned that many different professionals work together in cooperation to combat a virus. I highly recommend it, despite the current circumstances, or perhaps especially *because* of current circumstances. Promising review: "This is a very smart, very well-thought out-cooperative game that can be adjusted in difficulty level. You'll travel the world collecting cards to help you in your research. How to play: As a group, you'll rely on the specialized skills of your given deck (medic, scientist, dispatcher, quarantine specialist, researcher, etc.) to save humanity from four diseases threatening the world.

The best board games of 2016